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29,90 €
ORDER your copy of the BRANDNEW Tricktionary DVD BOX NOW!!!


Tricktionary DVD BOX
The ultimate windsurfing instructional Movie

It has been a long way, but the result is great!
ORDER your Tricktionary DVD BOX NOW!

{tab=Technical data}

Tricktionary DVD BOX
- 3 DVD9 (Double Layer) DVD's
- 150+ MOVES!
- 400+ Minutes of instructional videotraining
- Easy Flow Menusystem
- Tricktionary-symbiosis - works perfect with Tricktionary 1 and 2!!
- TRICKCODE personalized

AUDIO languages: English, German
SUBTITLE languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian

NTSC Version ISBN: 978-3-9502776-4-7


