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Tricktionary 3 - La bibbia del windsurf

La bibbia delwindsurf
- 480 pages (188 more than Tricktionary 2 and +250 pages more than Tricktionary 1!)
- 7 main chapters: Basics, Slalom, Light Wind Freestyle, Planing Freestyle, Jumping Freestyle, Power Freestyle, Wave
- Extremly detailed high focus moves: Superbasics, Fast Tack, Power Jibe, Duck Jibe, 360s, Chop Hop, Speed Loop, Air Jibe, Wave Basics, Wave Riding.
- Important: More than half of the book consists of non-jumping moves/topics!
- Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian

Pagine di esempio
Tricktionary 3 Libro - Italiano
- 480 pages (188 more than Tricktionary 2 and +250 pages more than Tricktionary 1!)
- 7 main chapters: Basics, Slalom, Light Wind Freestyle, Planing Freestyle, Jumping Freestyle, Power Freestyle, Wave
- Extremly detailed high focus moves: Superbasics, Fast Tack, Power Jibe, Duck Jibe, 360s, Chop Hop, Speed Loop, Air Jibe, Wave Basics, Wave Riding.
- Important: More than half of the book consists of non-jumping moves/topics!
- Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian
- Scarica e stampa il buono regalo:
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