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Wingfoil Tricktionary
The ultimate Wing bible
What's in it
Following the tradition of Tricktionary books, the Wing Tricktionary books are made for riders of ANY level.
The Wingfoil Tricktionary books will be the most comprehensive collection of wing knowledge out there.
Get into this new sport, improve quickly and experience an exponential learning curve like never before...
.... with your brandnew WING Tricktionary book!
The books
After years of work and the sport evolving quickly, I had to decide to split the Wing Tricktionary in 3 parts.
The collection of knowledge has become so big already that 1 single book for all the content would just be too big, heavy and too expensive to produce.
NOTE: All who have pre-ordered already will receive more than they paid for, please don't worry, i'll get in touch asap!
Wingfoil Tricktionary 1

RELEASE: Jan/Feb 2025202
PAGES: 250-300
- Intro, History
- Complete gear guide
- Safety
- Preparation
- Basic course
- Learning to foil
- Advanced Starting Techniques
- Foiling Jibes
- Foiling Tacks
- Efficient Wingfoiling
- Light Wind
- Freestyle basics
Wingfoil Tricktionary 2

RELEASE: May 2025
PAGES: 300-350
- Introduction to Freestyle
- Freestyle Superbasics
- Riding styles
- Jibe Variations
- Tack Variations
- Downwind 360s
- Upwind 360s
- Funstuff
- Flowstyle
- Jumping Superbasics
- Rotations
- Flips & Loops
- Rads
- Combos
- Specials
Wingfoil Tricktionary 3

PAGES: 250-350
- Downwind Wingfoiling
- Long Distance
- Wave riding
- Waves and Jumping
- Strong Wind
- Big Air
- Racing
Frequently Asked Questions
I'll release those books one by one starting with 1.
You see these dates up above, they're still very vague and I may change the dates still. Hope you keep staying with me on this, Wingfoiling is so awesome, it deserves the best possible and most comprehensive collection of knowledge!
Book | Estimated Release |
Wing Tricktionary 1 - Basics to Advanced | Summer 2024 |
Wing Tricktionary 2 - Freestyle | Autumn 2024 |
Wing Tricktionary 3 - Wave, Downwind, Race | Spring 2025 |
Well, we're all just humans.
Private life, quite extreme increased prodcution costs and the incredibly fast evolution of this awesome sport of Wingfoiling slowed the process of creating this Wingfoil Tricktionary down.
However it's on a good path now and i am very confident and looking forward to being able to present this series of books on wingfoiling very soon as a real printed hardcover product.
First of all thanks so much for your trust and your support!
Now, after long thoughts, I had to take the decision to split the Wingfoil book into at least 3 parts.
As noted, this was not an easy decision but is necessary to be able to publish something and keep up with the development of the sport.
This should not be a financial disadvantage for you, who already pre-ordered the complete book!
The new price model will be adjusted depending on final page amount of each book.
I'll contact everybody who has pre-ordered and will offer a few options for everyone to choose from.
- I will definitely over-deliver and show appreciation for your support!
- Any time you feel you want to cancel your pre-order, just send an email and we'll process a full refund.
I totally understand and believe me i would love to produce one huge, complete and comprehensive wingfoil bible, but after long thoughts and a never ending process working on each part of that one single complete huge book, i had to decide to split it in a few parts.
The main reasons:
- Just Basics and Freestyle already passed the 500 page mark, which is the hard maximum for production and handling costs. Wave, downwind and racing not even included, there had to be a split in at least 2 books.
- The decision of doing 3 books allows me to add even more content, more exercises and even some lifestyle shots that show the beauty of the sport in every aspect. Something that is not possible in a 500 page book where everything is squeezed together just to have all the knowledge in 1 single book.
- Printing costs exploded over the past years, while Tricktionary books are at a stable price since more than 10 years. We can't and don't want to ask for more money, but rather found that doing 3 books allows you to select what interests you most and get more content, more knowledge and a better product!
Awesome! Any feedback is more than welcome!!
Please email me, Michi Rossmeier directly through the contact form HERE
Awesome! Thanks for the support, we'd love for you to add our Wingfoil Tricktionary books - and maybe also our Tricktionary books about Windsurfing, Kiteboarding, Stand Up Paddling, or our Tricktionary Foostraps to your stock!
Please email me, Michi Rossmeier directly through the contact form HERE from your official work email and include your company details. We'll come back to you with prices and conditions as soon as possible
Note that we can only take B2B pre-orders once prices are fixed, but if you get in touch we will get in touch and update you as soon as we are ready.
Below you can add your email to the pre-order email list - all emails in that list will be the first to be notified about updates on the book status and for sure first to know when you can order and when it will be delivered.
Also please follow us on Instagram @wing.tricktionary and if you wish also my account @rossi256.tricktionaryÂ
Pre-order list
Get notified as soon as the Wing Tricktionary is available for pre-ordering!
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